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Cost/Serving: $1.18
Yield: [4 servings] / Serving Size: 3 1/4 cup
1 cup uncooked whole wheat small pasta, such as macaroni or rotelle
6 cups romaine lettuce or spinach (washed well and torn)
2 cups chopped fresh vegetables (green pepper, celery, cauliflower florets, cucumber, carrots)
2 cups chopped tomatoes (about 2 large)
1½ cups cubed cooked skinless chicken (one half pound skinless, boneless poultry)
½ cup lowfat Italian dressing
1 hard cooked egg (optional)
¼ cup shredded cheese or cheese crumbles

1. Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and cool.
2. Place 1½ cups of the lettuce or spinach in each of 4 large bowls or plates.
3. Combine chopped vegetables, chicken, and pasta.
4. Add dressing; toss lightly to coat. Divide evenly among the 4 bowls.
5. Top each serving with a few egg slices, if desired, and 1 tablespoon of the shredded cheese.

Tips: Pick vegetables that are plentiful at the farmers’ market or grocery. If desired, combine the cooked pasta, chopped vegetables (except tomato), cubed chicken, and dressing in a covered container and refrigerate for up to 24 hours. To serve, stir in the chopped tomato and spoon over romaine or spinach.

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Nutrition Criteria for Recipes

Recipes must be:

  • Low in:
    • Added sugar
    • Total fat
    • Trans fat
    • Sodium
  • High in:
    • At least one of the following: vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, or fiber
    • Whole grains (if the recipe contains grains)

Recipes must also:

  • Use low cost, readily available ingredients
  • Be able to be prepared relatively quickly

For the full set of criteria, click here.