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Cost/Serving: $0.20
Yield:[12 servings] / Serving Size = 1 popsicle
6 ounces frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
2 cups vanilla yogurt
12 (3-ounce) paper cups
Aluminum foil
12 wooden sticks

1. Pour yogurt into melted juice concentrate and stir until smooth.
2. Place cups together on a baking sheet.
3. Pour yogurt/juice mixture into paper cups.
4. Cover the cups with a sheet of aluminum foil.
5. Insert stick for each popsicle by making a slit in the foil over the center of each cup.
6. Freeze popsicles until firm.
7. Run warm water on outside of cup to loosen each popsicle from the cup.

This recipe is used with the permission of Colorado State University Extension's Eating Smart Being Active program.

Recipe Rating:

Nutrition Criteria for Recipes

Recipes must be:

  • Low in:
    • Added sugar
    • Total fat
    • Trans fat
    • Sodium
  • High in:
    • At least one of the following: vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, or fiber
    • Whole grains (if the recipe contains grains)

Recipes must also:

  • Use low cost, readily available ingredients
  • Be able to be prepared relatively quickly

For the full set of criteria, click here.