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Fruit and Peanut Butter Dip

Cost/Serving: $1.48
Yield: [6 servings] / Serving Size = 1 cup fruit / 2 tablespoons dip
6 cups of washed raw fruit such as apple, banana, pear, grapes, or strawberries
½ cup plain yogurt
½ teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup peanut butter

1. Wash all the fruit, and slice it into pieces that are easy to dip.
2. Collect and measure all ingredients before starting to prepare the recipe.
3. Combine yogurt, vanilla, and peanut butter in a medium bowl, and mix well.
4. Chill dip in refrigerator until ready to serve.
5, Serve with fruit arranged on a plate around a bowl of the dip.
6. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours. Eat within 3 to 5 days.

Be creative! Spread dip on a tortilla, add banana, and roll up.

Note: Nutrition facts are for dip only.

This recipe and photo are used with the permission of Colorado State University Extension's Eating Smart Being Active program.

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Nutrition Criteria for Recipes

Recipes must be:

  • Low in:
    • Added sugar
    • Total fat
    • Trans fat
    • Sodium
  • High in:
    • At least one of the following: vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, or fiber
    • Whole grains (if the recipe contains grains)

Recipes must also:

  • Use low cost, readily available ingredients
  • Be able to be prepared relatively quickly

For the full set of criteria, click here.